When you decide to live a life of debauchery and allow yourself into casual hookup with new partners, then your intentions are clear: you don't want a long-term, stable, serious relationship. You think this lifestyle is good, at least for now, and that it's your best option and what happens in the future is up to you. However, if you don't make it clear to your partner, it can still be somewhat misleading, even if a FWB relationship always has nothing to do with something serious.
Any relationship between people, including a one-night stand, is an emotional interaction between people, and there is something subtle about it. It's this subtlety that keeps people from saying anything out loud for fear of damaging their current relationship. But on the one hand, they want to convey their intentions to each other through certain actions of their own.
For example, if you want to end your current relationship, you deliberately give your partner the cold shoulder and never make a connection after you split up. It's possible that your relationship will die, but sometimes your partner will have a lot of assumptions about your behavior, and when he/she tries to confirm those assumptions, things will go in a different direction than you expected.
I had a similar experience. I have been friends with a girl for nearly half a year. I dare say it is a long relationship. One day, I became bored with our relationship and wanted to start a new one, so I chose to delete her from all my contact information.
I thought that was the end of it, but one day she came to me in tears and said that she thought I was serious before, that I wasn't going to contact her if anything happened or something like that. I was shocked. I had no idea that my stupidity had caused her more damage. Finally, I put my true feelings on the table, and after a few serious conversations, we ended the BBW relationship.
Now that I think about it, I should have chosen that stupid way because I was afraid to take responsibility and afraid that she would be mad at me. I know that there are still a lot of guys who still do that, but I want to tell them that it was extremely wrong. Since I have encountered such an embarrassing thing, I should let them know, so as not to repeat the same mistake.
If you have a deep understanding of FWB relationships, there is no need to worry that a girl will go crazy with you if you ask to ends the relationship. In fact, some of them, cooler than you are because she knows there will always be a man waiting for her. Let’s face it, in the casual hookup dating world, girls are always more popular than guys.